Appointment setting module is designed to allow Vicidial Telemarketers to operate as Appointment Setters for sales agents who operate in SugarCRM and perform appointment-based sales.
The appointment setters are presented with a list of agents and shown their availability on a day-by-day basis. They can choose a time or switch to a different day to check for availability for each day by pressing a single button, and see all times for all agents on the next or previous day.
Once a time is chosen, the Vicidial lead information is presented along with the date/time of the appointment as a summary for the agent's confirmation. Upon confirmation, the appointment is set as a Meeting in the SugarCRM Meetings module as well as a task which will pop up to remind the agent to attend and to update SugarCRM with the outcome of the meeting.
Meetings may be altered in SugarCRM, and if so they are visibly altered in the Vicidial Telemarketer/Appointment Setter interface as well (this is not a "sync" process, the interface uses the SugarCRM data directly, no way to get out of sync).
The stock interface is "Vanilla" and very plain. It is designed purely for functionality. Design changes are available. The module can be installed on any web server (Vicidial, SugarCRM, or another Linux Apache Web server).
Installation Type
The Stock installation is meant to "Make it work" and requires pre-installed and functional Vicidial and SugarCRM CE without customizations.
The Personalized installation includes setting of the appointment length to your choice, the time between appointments to your choice and a personalized method of identifying the Sales Agents in SugarCRM. It may also include one or two other (very minor) adjustments, on a case-by-case request basis.
SugarCRM Installation
Optionally may include SugarCRM CE installation at a reduced price.
This software can be customized to work with virtually any CRM, it can also be modified to work with a different front-end dialer or lead generation system. This would be handled hourly. It does not presently have an API interface, which could also be added.
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